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Can You Do Karate With Glasses?

Participating in Karate while wearing prescription glasses may seem like a challenge, but fear not! With a dash of preparation and the right techniques, you can gracefully conquer the dojo with your glasses perched firmly on your nose. This article takes you on a journey through the art of balancing Karate and glasses, highlighting clever ways to keep your eyewear in place and exploring alternatives for unobstructed vision.

Challenges of Karate With Glasses

Starting a journey of practicing Karate with glasses presents a set of practical challenges that demand your attention. Let’s delve into these challenges head-on, identifying each issue and shedding light on possible solutions:

  1. Slippery Glasses: During an intense roundhouse kick, have you experienced the annoyance of your glasses sliding down your nose? This occurs due to the combination of sweat and motion, creating a perilous situation where your glasses dangle precariously. It’s as if they have a mind of their own, defying your attempts to keep them in place.
  2. Foggy Glasses: Picture this: you’re deep into a sparring session, your heart racing and breath heavy. Suddenly, your glasses are shrouded in a cloud of fog, obscuring your vision. Breathing heavily in the heat of battle can transform your glasses into a steamy sauna, making it feel like you’re trying to fight your way through a mist.
  3. Obstructions: While grappling on the mat or engaging with a fellow sparring partner, your glasses can unintentionally gather dirt and debris from close encounters. This accumulation creates a literal obstacle that hinders your ability to see clearly, impairing your performance and situational awareness.
  4. Airborne Glasses: As you execute dynamic moves during combat, there’s a constant underlying concern that your glasses might take flight. A powerful strike or an energetic twist can lead to your glasses leaving their perch, enveloping you in a blurry whirlwind that disrupts your focus.
  5. Strike Vulnerability: The precision and power inherent in martial arts carry a risk. Unexpected strikes or impacts can potentially target your glasses, resulting in damage to both your eyewear and your visual clarity. It’s a dilemma that balances your dedication to Karate with the protection of your glasses.


Yet, fear not! These challenges are not insurmountable obstacles. With a touch of ingenuity and the right strategies, you can seamlessly integrate glasses into your Karate practice, ensuring they don’t hinder your progress.

Here’s a collection of tips and tricks to ensure your glasses stay put while you practice Karate.

Technique What It Does Pros Cons
Sports Strap/Holder Secures glasses tightly to your face Protects against direct blows; great for high-impact moves Might feel uncomfortable initially
Silicone Ear Hooks Hooks behind ears to prevent slipping Less intrusive; suitable for some Durability against impacts uncertain
Adhesive Nose Pads Prevents glasses from slipping down Inexpensive; easy to use Can be uncomfortable for extended wear
Anti-Fog Sprays Stops fogging caused by sweat on lenses Prevents fogging during intense training Requires reapplication during workouts

When to Wear Glasses vs. Remove

Making smart decisions about wearing your glasses during Karate training can prevent issues:

  • Instructional Phases – Wear glasses when the instructor is explaining techniques so you can see properly.
  • Static Drills – Keep glasses on during solo practice of stances, punches, kicks, and non-contact drills.
  • Dynamic Drills – Assess the risk of dislodging based on head movement and rapid changes of direction.
  • Sparring – Remove glasses and/or switch to contacts to prevent injury from strikes.
  • Grabbing/Grappling – Beware of glasses getting knocked off during takedowns, throws, and rolls.
  • Weapons Training – Extra caution warranted with sticks which could hit glasses.


  • Issues  – If glasses become problematic at any point, quickly remove and remedy the problem before continuing.


The key is recognizing higher risk activities and proactively removing glasses before mishaps occur. Stay focused on training safely without visual limitations.

Alternatives to Glasses for Karate

Consider these long-term alternatives to wearing regular glasses for karate:

  • Sports Prescription Goggles – Designed for impact protection with a secure fit. May feel odd at first.

  • Contact Lenses – Avoid fogging and slipping issues. Bring spare lenses and solution as backup. Small risk of displacement.

  • Corrective Eye Surgery – Permanent correction like LASIK, PRK, or ICL. Expensive with risks like any surgery. Consult an ophthalmologist to evaluate if you are a good candidate. Consider factors like:

    • Age and eye prescription stability
    • Health of corneas and eyes
    • Lifestyle needs and risks
    • Potential side effects and complications
    • Additional vision corrections needed later in life


While LASIK can provide freedom from glasses and contacts, it is vital to thoroughly discuss options with your eye doctor to determine if it is the right choice for your individual needs and eye health. Do not undergo any elective vision correction surgery without approval from a qualified ophthalmologist.

Solutions for Kids Practicing Karate with Glasses

When it comes to kids participating in karate, ensuring their safety and comfort is paramount. For young karatekas who wear glasses, finding the right eyewear solution can enhance their training experience. The article has already provided comprehensive coverage of various options, including sports prescription goggles, contact lenses, silicone ear hooks, and adhesive nose pads.

Each of these solutions caters to different preferences and comfort levels. Parents should evaluate their child’s age, maturity, and specific needs to choose the most suitable option. Whether it’s ensuring a secure fit, preventing fogging, or offering comfort, the goal remains to provide young martial artists with clear vision and confidence as they embark on their karate journey. Consulting an eye care professional for personalized advice will help parents make an informed decision that aligns with their child’s best interests. With the array of eyewear solutions available, young karate enthusiasts can fully immerse themselves in training without compromising on their visual clarity or safety.

Safe Martial Arts If You Must Wear Glasses

Selecting the right martial art style can significantly impact your training experience while wearing glasses. By considering specific styles that align with your visual needs, you can ensure a smoother and more comfortable journey. Here’s how to make an informed choice:

  1. Tai Chi: The slow, fluid movements of Tai Chi make it an ideal choice for glasses wearers. Its meditative nature and emphasis on controlled motions provide an environment where your glasses can stay comfortably in place.
  2. Aikido: Aikido revolves around redirection and avoidance rather than direct confrontation. This style’s principles align well with glasses wearers, as the focus is on technique rather than forceful impact.
  3. Judo: Judo’s throws and grappling techniques carry a lower risk of dislodging your glasses if properly secured. It’s worth exploring this martial art if you’re drawn to its dynamic techniques.


Exercise Caution with Intense Contact Arts: While arts like MMA, boxing, and kickboxing offer intense workouts, they also involve substantial contact and striking. Given the potential risk of damaging glasses, it’s advisable to approach these styles with caution if preserving your eyewear is a concern.

Communication with Your Instructor: Irrespective of the chosen style, open communication with your instructor is key. Discuss your visual needs, and collaborate on signals or techniques to use if your glasses get dislodged during training. Your instructor’s support ensures a tailored experience that allows you to fully engage in the art.

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